
01. Container Management Program


CropLife Sri Lanka in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture (DOA) and Ministry of Environment is in the process of carrying out this project in several major farming areas of the country since the year 2017.

At present, the project has been established in several agricultural districts including Puttlam (Kalpitiya area), Nuwara-Eliya, Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura (System H). Also, Project will be expanded to Batticaloa and Hambantota districts in near future.

CropLife Sri Lanka has placed bottle collection bins at identified places in collaboration with agriculture extension service of the Department of Agriculture and farmer organizations in respective areas. Empty pesticide containers collected in bins will be periodically transferred to collection centres of DOA. Collection centres are established at Polonnaruwa, Dambulla, Makadura, Nuwara-Eliya, Bataatha and Karadianaru.

Recyclers are taking over empty containers collected at above sites and recycled for specific uses at their locations under the monitoring of Ministry of Environment.

⦿ Bottle collection program Polonnaruwa
⦿ Bottle collection program Kalpitiya
⦿ Bottle collection program Mahiyanganaya
⦿ Bottle collection program Nuwara -Eliya

02. Promote the use of PPEs


CropLife Sri Lanka and its member companies promote wearing PPEs when handling and spraying crop protection products as directed by the product labels. As a part of this, CropLife creates awareness among the agriculture community about this subject. Also, we donate PPEs to farmers through stewardship programs and exhibitions

03. Training Future Farmers and Professionals


CropLife Sri Lanka conducts training programs on the safe use of crop protection products at schools, Diploma schools and universities at the request of these institutes. Under this program, we continually conducting training programs at Aquinas University, Rural Agriculture Training Institute, University of Colombo, Weligaththa and Agriculture School, Kundasale.

⦿ Training programs at Aquinas University
⦿ Training program at Agriculture school, Kundasale
⦿ Training programs at Rural Agriculture Training Institute, Weligaththa

04. Engagement with stakeholders


CropLife Sri Lanka always works collaboratively with stakeholders. Under this, we offered sponsorships for relevant agriculture programs as well as take part in related programs organized by stakeholders and carryout CSR projects for the social benefit of the farming community.

⦿ Exhibitions
⦿ Sponsor ships
⦿ CSR Projects
⦿ BPH control program at Polonnaruwa
⦿ Engagement with SLOAP, National Agri-Business Councils and universities