Our focus

We, CropLife Sri Lanka focuses on 3 main areas in all our activities to ensure...

1. Safety of Farmers

safety of farmers

One of the main goals of CropLife Sri Lanka is to ensure the safety of farmers / safety of applicators who closely worked with crop protection products in their day to day farming. In order to achieve the objective, we as CropLife Sri Lanka conducts various awareness programs promoting safe and effective use of agrochemical among farming community.

Major areas cover are

  • Adopting to label instructions of Crop Protection Products
  • Adopting appropriate technologies in spraying of Crop Protection Products
  • Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) in use of Crop Protection Products

Related Projects

  • Make Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) available and promoting use of PPEs
  • Conduct Farmer Training Programs
  • Participate in Exhibitions
  • Training of School children, Diploma students and University students

2. Safety of Consumers

consumer safety

We as Crop Life Sri Lanka aims at helping farmers in increasing food production through innovative agriculture to feed increasing population day by day. But our aim is not only to support farmers in producing more foods, but producing more food which is safe for the consumption. Thus, our stewardship programs are designed to increase awareness among agriculture community on the need of producing food that is safe for consumption. In order to achieve this, we promote responsible use of Crop Protection Products through,

  • Adopting Pre-Harvest Interval
  • Good Agriculture Practices

3. Safety of Environment

safety of environemt

We must keep the Environment we live in clean and healthy. Thus, sustainable utilization of resources and minimizing all possible causes of pollution are vital. Our stewardship programs aim at protecting environment by creating awareness among farmers and facilitating farmers in protecting environment.

Key projects of CropLife Sri Lanka are,

  • Empty Container management program / Proper disposal of empty containers
  • Pollinator Protection initiatives
  • Promote integrated Pest Management among farmers
  • Proper storage of Crop Protection Products